Vak ISW,
Auteur KLP01,
Niveau 3,
Cohort 2024,
Periode 1 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | installeren
| Installeren en werken met Virtual PC | | Installeer Virtual PC en Windows 7 | WeekOpdracht P1W1
| | INTERNET: virtual create virtual machines virtual pc 2007.htm
| |
2 | | Besturingssysteem Windows 7 | | Installeer een tweede Windows 7 | WeekOpdracht P1W2
| | INTERNET: Installing-and-reinstalling-Windows-7
| |
3 | | Packet Tracer basis IP adressen | | Installeer Packet Tracer | WeekOpdracht P1W3
| | INTERNET: Internetprotocol
| |
4 | configureren
| Besturingssysteem configureren | | Configureer beide virtuele machines | WeekOpdracht P1W4
| | INTERNET: Join-or-create-a-workgroup
| |
5 | | Windows BackUp | | Maak een BackUp van je systeem en data schijf. | WeekOpdracht P1W5
| | INTERNET: using-backup-and-restore-in-windows-7
| |
6 | | Uitleg basis Computer Management | | Derde harde schijf, dynamisch, spanned volume. | WeekOpdracht P1W6
| | INTERNET: 516027-administrative-tools-computer-management-windows-7-a.html INTERNET: cc772180.aspx
| |
7 | aanmaken
| User accounts in Windows 7 | | Gebruikers en groepen aanmaken. | WeekOpdracht P1W7
| | INTERNET: cc770642.aspx
| |
8 | | Uitleg basis Event Viewer | | Audit Log Files | WeekOpdracht P1W8
| | INTERNET: 3253
| |
9 | voorbereiden
| Uitleg Users and Groups | | Afronden alle opdrachten, voorbereiden op presentatie | WeekOpdracht P1W9
| | INTERNET: User-groups-in-Windows
| |
10 | | | | Presentaties | | | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur KLP01,
Niveau 3,
Cohort 2024,
Periode 2 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | | Besturingssystemen: Win XP Win 7 | | Creeer een dual boot met Windows 7 en XP | WeekOpdracht P2W1
| | INTERNET: how-to-dual-boot-windows-7-with-xp-or-vista
| |
2 | | Uitleg file system | | Vragen beantwoorden WeekOpdracht P2W2 | WeekOpdracht P2W2
| | INTERNET: module6a1.htm
| |
3 | partitioneren
| Fdisk | | Partitioneren hard disk. 3 partities | WeekOpdracht P2W3
| | INTERNET: 255867
| |
4 | | Windows XP Ghost image en Sysprep | | Ghost image with sysprep | WeekOpdracht P2W4
| | INTERNET: how-to-image-windows-xp-with-ghost-and-sysprep
| |
5 | | Unattende Installation Windows XP | | An Unattended Installation Windows XP | WeekOpdracht P2W5
| | INTERNET: 314459
| |
6 | | Slipstream CD Windows XP | | Creating a Slipstream CD Windows XP | WeekOpdracht P2W6
| | INTERNET: how to slipstream windows xp sp3 and vista sp1?page=0,1
| |
7 | | Printer Sharing Windows 7 en XP | | Printer Sharing between Windows 7 en XP | WeekOpdracht P2W7
| | INTERNET: share-files-and-printers-between-windows-7-and-xp
| |
8 | instellen
| Basis NTFS | | Maken folder structuur, instellen permissies | WeekOpdracht P2W8
| | INTERNET: cc778410(v=ws.10).aspx
| |
9 | voorbereiden
| | | Afronden alle opdrachten, voorbereiden op presentatie | | | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur KLP01,
Niveau 3,
Cohort 2024,
Periode 3 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | installeren
| Besturingssystemen: Server 2008 (R2) | | Installeren Server 2008 (R2) | WeekOpdracht P3W1
| | INTERNET: how-to-install-windows-server-2008-step-by-step.htm
| |
2 | | Uitleg rollen in Server 2008 | | Vragen beantwoorden WeekOpdracht P3W2 | WeekOpdracht P3W2
| | INTERNET: q-what-are-the-server-roles-in-windows-server-2008-
| |
3 | installeren
| Installeer en configureer File Server | | Installeren File Server role in Server 2008 (R2) | WeekOpdracht P3W3
| | INTERNET: 325860
| |
4 | | Computer Management:Event Viewer, vervolg | | Creating a Custom View | WeekOpdracht P3W4
| | INTERNET: 3253
| |
5 | | Quota Management | | Setting Disk Quotas | WeekOpdracht P3W5
| | INTERNET: managing-windows-server-2008-disk-quotas.htm
| |
6 | | Server 2008 Features | | Vragen beantwoorden WeekOpdracht P3W6 | WeekOpdracht P3W6
| | INTERNET: 2008-r2-overview.aspx
| |
7 | | Packet tracer: DHCP | | | | | INTERNET: Packet-Tracer-DHCP-Setup
| |
8 | voorbereiden
| Wat is DHCP | | Afronden alle opdrachten, voorbereiden op presentatie | | | INTERNET: configure tcp ip to use dhcp and a static ip address at the same time.htm
| |
9 | | | | Pesentaties | WeekOpdracht P3W9
| | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur KLP01,
Niveau 3,
Cohort 2024,
Periode 4 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | installeren installeren
| Installeren Domain Controller | | Installeren eerste Domain Controller | WeekOpdracht P4W1
| | INTERNET: setting up your first domain controller with windows server 2008.aspx
| |
2 | installeren
| Theorie Active Directory Domain | | Installeren tweede Domain Controller | WeekOpdracht P4W2
| | INTERNET: cc773108(v=ws.10).aspx
| |
3 | | Theorie Active Directory Domain (OU) | | Create an Organizational Unit | WeekOpdracht P4W3
| | INTERNET: create-a-new-organizational-unit-ou-in-windows-server-2008
| |
4 | | Theorie Group Policy | | Create a Domain based Group Policy | WeekOpdracht P4W4
| | INTERNET: group-policy-object-modeling-windows-server-2008.htm
| |
5 | | Praktijk: Group Policy and OU | | Bekijk YouTube filmpje | WeekOpdracht P4W4
| | INTERNET: watch?v=AroYrmFxKlg&feature=related
| |
6 | | Site and Services | | | | | INTERNET: 385
| |
7 | | Herhalen week 1 t/m 6 | | | | | | |
8 | | | | | | | | |
9 | | | | | | | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur KLP01,
Niveau 3,
Cohort 2024,
Periode 5 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | installeren installeren
| Installeren Domain Controller | | Installeren eerste Domain Controller | WeekOpdracht P5W1
| | INTERNET: setting up your first domain controller with windows server 2008.aspx
| |
2 | installeren
| Theorie Active Directory Domain | | Installeren tweede Domain Controller | WeekOpdracht P5W2
| | INTERNET: cc773108(v=ws.10).aspx
| |
3 | | Theorie Active Directory Domain (OU) | | Create an Organizational Unit | WeekOpdracht P5W3
| | INTERNET: create-a-new-organizational-unit-ou-in-windows-server-2008
| |
4 | | Theorie Group Policy | | Create a Domain based Group Policy | WeekOpdracht P5W4
| | INTERNET: group-policy-object-modeling-windows-server-2008.htm
| |
5 | | Praktijk: Group Policy and OU | | Bekijk YouTube filmpje | WeekOpdracht P5W5
| | INTERNET: watch?v=AroYrmFxKlg&feature=related
| |
6 | | Site and Services | | | WeekOpdracht P5W6
| | INTERNET: 385
| |
7 | | Herhalen week 1 t/m 6 | | | WeekOpdracht P5W7
| | | |
8 | | Virtual Private Network | | Theorie vpn | WeekOpdracht P5W8
| | INTERNET: understanding-vpn-remote-access-mechanism.htm
| |
9 | | | | | | | | |
10 | | | | | | | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur KLP01,
Niveau 3,
Cohort 2024,
Periode 6 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
9 | | | | | WeekOpdracht P2W9
| | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur KLP01,
Niveau 3,
Cohort 2024,
Periode 7 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | installeren
| Besturingssystemen: Server 2008 (R2) | | Installeren Server 2008 (R2) | WeekOpdracht P3W1
| | INTERNET: how-to-install-windows-server-2008-step-by-step.htm
| |
2 | | Uitleg rollen in Server 2008 | | Vragen beantwoorden WeekOpdracht P3W2 | WeekOpdracht P3W2
| | INTERNET: q-what-are-the-server-roles-in-windows-server-2008-
| |
3 | installeren
| Installeer en configureer File Server | | Installeren File Server role in Server 2008 (R2) | WeekOpdracht P3W3
| | INTERNET: 325860
| |
4 | | Computer Management:Event Viewer, vervolg | | Creating a Custom View | WeekOpdracht P3W4
| | INTERNET: 3253
| |
5 | | Quota Management | | Setting Disk Quotas | WeekOpdracht P3W5
| | INTERNET: managing-windows-server-2008-disk-quotas.htm
| |
6 | | Server 2008 Features | | Vragen beantwoorden WeekOpdracht P3W6 | WeekOpdracht P3W6
| | INTERNET: 2008-r2-overview.aspx
| |
7 | | Packet tracer: DHCP | | | | | INTERNET: Packet-Tracer-DHCP-Setup
| |
8 | voorbereiden
| Wat is DHCP | | Afronden alle opdrachten, voorbereiden op presentatie | | | INTERNET: configure tcp ip to use dhcp and a static ip address at the same time.htm
| |
9 | | | | Pesentaties | WeekOpdracht P3W9
| | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur KLP01,
Niveau 3,
Cohort 2024,
Periode 8 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | | Packet tracer: DHCP | | | WeekOpdracht P2W1
| | INTERNET: Packet-Tracer-DHCP-Setup
| |
2 | | Wat is DHCP | | | WeekOpdracht P2W2
| | INTERNET: configure tcp ip to use dhcp and a static ip address at the same time.htm
| |
3 | | | | | | | | |
4 | | | | | | | | |
5 | | | | | | | | |
6 | | | | | | | | |
7 | | | | | | | | |
8 | | | | | | | | |
9 | voorbereiden
| | | Afronden alle opdrachten, voorbereiden op presentatie | | | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur BSS05,
Niveau 4,
Cohort 2014,
Periode 1 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | | 20687B_12-Implementing Hyper-Vฎ | | | | | | |
2 | | 20687B_01-Installing and Deploying Windows 8 | | | | | | |
3 | | 20687B_02-Upgrading and Migrating to Windows 8 | | | | | | |
4 | | 20687B_03-Managing Disks and Device Drivers | | | | | | |
5 | | 20687B_04-Configuring and Troubleshooting Network Connections | | | | | | |
6 | | 20687B_05-Implementing Wireless Network Connections | | | | | | |
7 | | | | | | | | |
8 | | | | | | | | |
9 | | | | | | | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur BSS05,
Niveau 4,
Cohort 2024,
Periode 1 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | | Implementing Hyper-V | | | | | | |
2 | | Installing and Deploying Windows 8 | | Base Disk Windows 8 | | | | |
3 | | Upgrading and Migrating to Windows 8 | | | | | | |
4 | | Managing Disks and Device Drivers | | CLIENT1 | | | | |
5 | | Configuring and Troubleshooting Network Connections | | | | | | |
6 | | Implementing Wireless Network Connections | | NAT1 | | | | |
7 | | Deadline | | | | | | |
8 | | Final test | | | | Eindtoets behandelde stof
| | |
9 | | Reflection | | | | | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur KLP01,
Niveau 4,
Cohort 2024,
Periode 1 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | installeren
| Installeren en werken met Virtual PC | | Installeer Virtual PC en Windows 7 | WeekOpdracht P1W1
| | INTERNET: virtual create virtual machines virtual pc 2007.htm
| |
2 | | Besturingssysteem Windows 7 | | Installeer een tweede Windows 7 | WeekOpdracht P1W2
| | INTERNET: Installing-and-reinstalling-Windows-7
| |
3 | | Packet Tracer basis IP adressen | | Installeer Packet Tracer | WeekOpdracht P1W3
| | INTERNET: Internetprotocol
| |
4 | configureren
| Besturingssysteem configureren | | Configureer beide virtuele machines | WeekOpdracht P1W4
| | INTERNET: Join-or-create-a-workgroup
| |
5 | | Windows BackUp | | Maak een BackUp van je systeem en data schijf. | WeekOpdracht P1W5
| | INTERNET: using-backup-and-restore-in-windows-7
| |
6 | | Uitleg basis Computer Management | | Derde harde schijf, dynamisch, spanned volume. | WeekOpdracht P1W6
| | INTERNET: 516027-administrative-tools-computer-management-windows-7-a.html
| |
6 | | | | | | | INTERNET: cc772180.aspx
| |
7 | aanmaken
| User accounts in Windows 7 | | Gebruikers en groepen aanmaken. | WeekOpdracht P1W7
| | INTERNET: cc770642.aspx
| |
8 | | Uitleg basis Event Viewer | | Audit Log Files | WeekOpdracht P1W8
| | INTERNET: 3253
| |
9 | voorbereiden
| Uitleg Users and Groups | | Afronden alle opdrachten, voorbereiden op presentatie | | | INTERNET: User-groups-in-Windows
| |
10 | | | | Presentaties | WeekOpdracht P1W9
| | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur BSS05,
Niveau 4,
Cohort 2014,
Periode 2 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | | 20687B_07-Configuring File Access and Printers on Windowsฎ 8 Clients | | | | | | |
2 | | 20687B_08-Securing Windows 8 Desktops | | | | | | |
3 | | 20687B_09-Configuring Applications | | | | | | |
4 | | 20687B_10-Optimizing and Maintaining Windowsฎ 8 Client Computers | | | | | | |
5 | | 20687B_11-Configuring Mobile Computing and Remote Access | | | | | | |
6 | | 20687B_13-Troubleshooting and Recovering Windows 8 | | | | | | |
7 | | | | | | | | |
8 | | | | | | | | |
9 | | | | | | | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur BSS05,
Niveau 4,
Cohort 2024,
Periode 2 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | | Q&A - Configuring File Access and Printers on Windows 8 Clients | | TASK - Configuring File Access and Printers on Windows 8 Clients | | | | |
2 | | Q&A - Securing Windows 8 Desktops | | TASK - Securing Windows 8 Desktops | | | | |
3 | | Q&A - Configuring Applications | | TASK - Configuring Applications | | | | |
4 | | Q&A - Optimizing and Maintaining Windows 8 Client Computers | | TASK - Optimizing and Maintaining Windows 8 Client Computers | | | | |
5 | | Q&A - Configuring Mobile Computing and Remote Access | | TASK - Configuring Mobile Computing and Remote Access | | | | |
6 | | Q&A - Troubleshooting and Recovering Windows 8 | | TASK - Troubleshooting and Recovering Windows 8 | | | | |
7 | | Deadline | | | | | | |
8 | | Final test | | Eindtoets behandelde stof | | Eindtoets behandelde stof
| | |
9 | | Reflection | | | | | | |
10 | | | | | | | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur KLP01,
Niveau 4,
Cohort 2024,
Periode 2 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | | Besturingssystemen: dual boot | | Creeer een dual boot met Windows 7 en XP | WeekOpdracht P2W1
| | INTERNET: how-to-dual-boot-windows-7-with-xp-or-vista
| |
2 | | Uitleg file system | | Vragen beantwoorden WeekOpdracht P2W2 | WeekOpdracht P2W2
| | INTERNET: module6a1.htm
| |
3 | partitioneren
| Fdisk | | Partitioneren hard disk. 3 partities | WeekOpdracht P2W3
| | INTERNET: 255867
| |
4 | activeren installeren
| Computer Management: Disk Management | | Primaire partitie, activeren, installeren | WeekOpdracht P2W4
| | INTERNET: setup-hard-drive-windows
| |
5 | aanmaken
| Shared Folders | | Aanmaken en Sharen Folders, Users | WeekOpdracht P2W5
| | INTERNET: creating-and-viewing-shared-folders-using-computer-management
| |
6 | | Shared Folder Permissions | | Aanpassen Share Permissions | WeekOpdracht P2W6
| | INTERNET: cc726004.aspx
| |
7 | | Printer Sharing Windows 7 en XP | | Printer Sharing between Windows 7 en XP | WeekOpdracht P2W7
| | INTERNET: share-files-and-printers-between-windows-7-and-xp
| |
8 | instellen
| Basis NTFS | | Maken folder structuur, instellen permissies | WeekOpdracht P2W8
| | INTERNET: cc778410(v=ws.10).aspx
| |
9 | voorbereiden
| | | Afronden alle opdrachten, voorbereiden op presentatie | | | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur BSS05,
Niveau 4,
Cohort 2014,
Periode 3 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | | 20410B_01-Deploying and Managing Windows Server 2012 | | | | | | |
2 | | 20410B_02-Introduction to Active Directory Domain Services | | | | | | |
3 | | 20410B_03-Managing Active Directory Domain Services Objects | | | | | | |
4 | | 20410B_04-Automating Active Directory Domain Services Administration | | | | | | |
5 | | 20410B_05-Implementing IPv4 | | | | | | |
6 | | 20410B_06-Implementing Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | | | | | | |
7 | | | | | | | | |
8 | | | | | | | | |
9 | | | | | | | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur BSS05,
Niveau 4,
Cohort 2024,
Periode 3 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | | Deploying and Managing Windows Server 2012 | | | | | | |
2 | | Introduction to Active Directory Domain Services | | Base Disks Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard | | | | |
3 | | Managing Active Directory Domain Services Objects | | TLG BaseConfig - Steps for Configuring the Corpnet Subnet | | | | |
4 | | Automating Active Directory Domain Services Administration | | TLG BaseConfig - Steps for Configuring the Internet Subnet | | | | |
5 | | Implementing IPv4 | | Homenet subnet for Windows Server 2012 | | | | |
6 | | Implementing Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | | Second Corpnet Subnet for Windows Server 2012 | | | | |
7 | | Deadline | | | | | | |
8 | | Final test | | | | Eindtoets behandelde stof
| | |
9 | | Reflection | | | | | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur KLP01,
Niveau 4,
Cohort 2024,
Periode 3 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | installeren
| Besturingssystemen: Server 2008 (R2) | | Installeren Server 2008 (R2) | WeekOpdracht P3W1
| | INTERNET: how-to-install-windows-server-2008-step-by-step.htm
| |
2 | | Uitleg rollen in Server 2008 | | Vragen beantwoorden WeekOpdracht P3W2 | WeekOpdracht P3W2
| | INTERNET: q-what-are-the-server-roles-in-windows-server-2008-
| |
3 | installeren
| Installeer en configureer File Server | | Installeren File Server role in Server 2008 (R2) | WeekOpdracht P3W3
| | INTERNET: 325860
| |
4 | | Computer Management:Event Viewer, vervolg | | Creating a Custom View | WeekOpdracht P3W4
| | INTERNET: 3253
| |
5 | | Quota Management | | Setting Disk Quotas | WeekOpdracht P3W5
| | INTERNET: managing-windows-server-2008-disk-quotas.htm
| |
6 | | Server 2008 Features | | Vragen beantwoorden WeekOpdracht P3W6 | WeekOpdracht P3W6
| | INTERNET: 2008-r2-overview.aspx
| |
7 | | Packet tracer: DHCP | | | | | INTERNET: Packet-Tracer-DHCP-Setup
| |
8 | voorbereiden
| Wat is DHCP | | Afronden alle opdrachten, voorbereiden op presentatie | | | INTERNET: configure tcp ip to use dhcp and a static ip address at the same time.htm
| |
9 | | | | Pesentaties | WeekOpdracht P3W9
| | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur BSS05,
Niveau 4,
Cohort 2014,
Periode 4 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | | 20410B_07-Implementing Domain Name System | | | | | | |
2 | | 20410B_08-Implementing IPv6 | | | | | | |
3 | | 20410B_09-Implementing Local Storage | | | | | | |
4 | | 20410B_10-Implementing File and Print Services | | | | | | |
5 | | 20410B_11-Implementing Group Policy | | | | | | |
6 | | 20410B_12-Securing Windows Servers Using Group Policy Objects | | | | | | |
7 | | | | | | | | |
8 | | | | | | | | |
9 | | | | | | | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur BSS05,
Niveau 4,
Cohort 2024,
Periode 4 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | | Implementing Domain Name System | | | | | | |
2 | | Implementing IPv6 | | TLG - Demonstrate IPv6 | | | | |
3 | | Implementing Local Storage | | | | | | |
4 | | Implementing File and Print Services | | | | | | |
5 | | Implementing Group Policy | | | | | | |
6 | | Securing Windows Servers Using Group Policy Objects | | | | | | |
7 | | Deadline | | | | | | |
8 | | Final test | | | | Eindtoets behandelde stof
| | |
9 | | Reflection | | | | | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur KLP01,
Niveau 4,
Cohort 2024,
Periode 4 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | installeren installeren
| Installeren Domain Controller | | Installeren eerste Domain Controller | WeekOpdracht P4W1
| | INTERNET: setting up your first domain controller with windows server 2008.aspx
| |
2 | installeren
| Theorie Active Directory Domain | | Installeren tweede Domain Controller | WeekOpdracht P4W2
| | INTERNET: cc773108(v=ws.10).aspx
| |
3 | | Theorie Active Directory Domain (OU) | | Create an Organizational Unit | WeekOpdracht P4W3
| | INTERNET: create-a-new-organizational-unit-ou-in-windows-server-2008
| |
4 | | Theorie Group Policy | | Create a Domain based Group Policy | WeekOpdracht P4W4
| | INTERNET: group-policy-object-modeling-windows-server-2008.htm
| |
5 | | Praktijk: Group Policy and OU | | | WeekOpdracht P4W5 Bekijk YouTube filmpje
| | INTERNET: watch?v=AroYrmFxKlg&feature=related
| |
6 | | Site and Services | | | | | INTERNET: 385
| |
7 | | Herhalen week 1 t/m 6 | | | WeekOpdracht P4W6
| | | |
8 | | | | | | | | |
9 | | | | | | | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur KLP01,
Niveau 4,
Cohort 2024,
Periode 7 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | installeren installeren
| Installeren Domain Controller | | Installeren eerste Domain Controller | WeekOpdracht P7W1
| | INTERNET: setting up your first domain controller with windows server 2008.aspx
| |
2 | installeren
| Theorie Active Directory Domain | | Installeren tweede Domain Controller | WeekOpdracht P7W2
| | INTERNET: cc773108(v=ws.10).aspx
| |
3 | | Theorie Active Directory Domain (OU) | | Create an Organizational Unit | WeekOpdracht P7W3
| | INTERNET: create-a-new-organizational-unit-ou-in-windows-server-2008
| |
4 | | Theorie Group Policy | | Create a Domain based Group Policy | WeekOpdracht P7W4
| | INTERNET: group-policy-object-modeling-windows-server-2008.htm
| |
5 | installeren
| Installeren Sharepoint Server 2010 | | Installeer Sharepoint Server 2010 | WeekOpdracht P7W5
| | INTERNET: ff607866.aspx
| |
6 | | Configure Sharepoint Server | | Configure Sharepoint Server 2010 | WeekOpdracht P7W6
| | INTERNET: ee649101.aspx
| |
7 | | Sharepoint Designer | | Leren werken met Sharepoint Designer | WeekOpdracht P7W7
| | INTERNET: aan-de-slag-met-sharepoint-designer-2010-HA010370548.aspx
| |
8 | | Virtual Private Network | | Theorie vpn | WeekOpdracht P7W8
| | INTERNET: understanding-vpn-remote-access-mechanism.htm
| |
9 | | Herhalen P7W1 t/m P7W8 | | | WeekOpdracht P7W9
| | | |
10 | | | | | | | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur KLP01,
Niveau 4,
Cohort 2024,
Periode 8 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | | Site and Services | | | WeekOpdracht P8W1
| | INTERNET: 385
| |
2 | | DNS | | | WeekOpdracht P8W2
| | INTERNET: cc787921(v=ws.10).aspx
| |
3 | | DNS and Active Directory (AD) | | | WeekOpdracht P8W3 Bekijk youtube filmpje
| | INTERNET: watch?v=fEs-k8-t6FI
| |
4 | | DHCP | | Install and configure DHCP | WeekOpdracht P8W4
| | INTERNET: bb643151.aspx
| |
5 | | RODC | | Install and configure a RODC | WeekOpdracht P8W5
| | INTERNET: cc755058(v=ws.10).aspx
| |
6 | | Server 2008 Core | | Install Server 2008 Core | WeekOpdracht P8W6
| | INTERNET: understanding-windows-server-2008-core.htm
| |
7 | | Server Core Network Settings | | Configuring Basic Network Settings | WeekOpdracht P8W7
| | INTERNET: configuring-windows-server-2008-networking-settings.htm
| |
8 | | Server Core DCPromo | | Installing AD on Server Core | WeekOpdracht P8W8
| | INTERNET: installing-active-directory-windows-server-2008-core.htm
| |
9 | | Herhalen P8W1 t/m P8W8 | | | WeekOpdracht P8W9
| | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur BSS05,
Niveau 4,
Cohort 2014,
Periode 11 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | | 20411B_01 Deploying and Maintaining Server Images | | | | | | |
2 | | 20411B_02 Configuring and Troubleshooting Domain Name System | | | | | | |
3 | | 20411B_03 Maintaining Active Directory Domain Services | | | | | | |
4 | | 20411B_04 Managing User and Service Accounts | | | | | | |
5 | | 20411B_05 Implementing a Group Policy Infrastructure | | | | | | |
6 | | 20411B_06 Managing User Desktops with Group Policy | | | | | | |
7 | | | | | | | | |
8 | | | | | | | | |
9 | | | | | | | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur BSS05,
Niveau 4,
Cohort 2024,
Periode 11 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | | Deploying and Maintaining Server Images | | | | | | |
2 | | Configuring and Troubleshooting Domain Name System | | Base Disks Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard & Windows 8.1 Enterprise | | | | |
3 | | Maintaining Active Directory Domain Services | | TLG BaseConfig - Steps for Configuring the Corpnet Subnet | | | | |
4 | | Managing User and Service Accounts | | TLG BaseConfig - Steps for Configuring the Internet Subnet | | | | |
5 | | Implementing a Group Policy Infrastructure | | Homenet subnet for Windows Server 2012 | | | | |
6 | | Managing User Desktops with Group Policy | | Second Corpnet Subnet for Windows Server 2012 | | | | |
7 | | Deadline | | | | | | |
8 | | Final test | | | | Eindtoets behandelde stof
| | |
9 | | Reflection | | | | | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur BSS05,
Niveau 4,
Cohort 2014,
Periode 12 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | | 20412B_06-Implementing Active Directory Certificate Services | | | | | | |
2 | | 20411B_07 Configuring and Troubleshooting Remote Access | | | | | | |
3 | | 20411B_08 Installing, Configuring, and Troubleshooting the Network Policy Server Role | | | | | | |
4 | | 20411B_09 Implementing Network Access Protection | | | | | | |
5 | | 10775A_03-Installing and Configuring SQL Server 2012 | | | | | | |
6 | | 20411B_12 Implementing Update Management | | | | | | |
7 | | | | | | | | |
8 | | | | | | | | |
9 | | | | | | | | |
Vak ISW,
Auteur BSS05,
Niveau 4,
Cohort 2024,
Periode 12 | PDF
Lesweek | Leerdoel | Theorie | Lesstof | Praktijk | Opdracht | Evaluatie | Middelen | Tijd |
1 | | Implementing Active Directory Certificate Services | | Deploying an AD CS Two-Tier PKI Hierarchy | | | | |
2 | | Configuring and Troubleshooting Remote Access | | Demonstrate DirectAccess Single Server Setup with Mixed IPv4 and IPv6 in Windows Server 2012 | | | | |
3 | | Installing, Configuring, and Troubleshooting the Network Policy Server Role | | | | | | |
4 | | Implementing Network Access Protection | | Demonstrate DirectAccess with Network Access Protection | | | | |
5 | | Installing and Configuring SQL Server 2012 | | Install SQL Server 2012 SP1 Enterprise | | | | |
6 | | Implementing Update Management | | | | | | |
7 | | Deadline | | | | | | |
8 | | Final test | | | | | | |
9 | | Reflection | | | | Eindtoets behandelde stof
| | |